The Mom Community

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Back in my parents’ time, the mom community were a bunch of neighborhood mothers. They hosted slumber parties and watched the children play outdoors. Mothers provided the pickle and spaghetti jars for catching lightning bugs. Modern day world, only two decades later is a completely different ball field. The reason for this is the severe advances in technology. If you aren’t on social media sites, such as Facebook you are out of the loop. Not only must you have a Facebook account, but you need to know all the abbreviations and modern day research associated with being a parent. In the text that follows, you will be informed of all the abbreviations, the research, and the beliefs that mothers are expected to follow to blend in with the social media community.

The number one most important thing you must know are the abbreviations. Without knowledge of these you will be utterly lost and confused. CIO is the abbreviation for cry it out. Cry it out means to allow your child to cry or fuss at bedtime for approximately 15 minutes before checking on them. SAHM is the abbreviation for stay at home mom. The definition of stay at home mom is a mother who does not work outside of the home. IMO, means in my opinion. RIC is the abbreviation for routine infant circumcision. EDD is estimated due date, the expected date you are to deliver your unborn child. DD is equivalent to dear daughter, and DS is dear son. RF is rear facing, as in placing your child in their car seat facing backwards, FF is forward facing. These are not all internet shortenings that you may come along, these are the most prominent in the parent community at this time.
Along with the abbreviations there are also some terms that you need to comprehend. These include, co-sl...

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...o as “lazy parents”. Choosing not to puree your own baby food is another decision that will more than likely get you deemed a “lazy parent”.
Being a mother has always been a difficult task. Having children in 2014 has a whole new list of difficult decisions. The pressure to conform to all these new rules and regulations is immense. If you do not choose the way that the research states you are thought to be incompetent or down right lazy. It’s a harsh world out there on those social media sites. Parents will sit behind their computers or smart phones all day long and bash you for not having the same parenting style as them. In conclusion, this community is quite harsh, and in order to feel as though you belong you are expected to know the language and the research. Not only must you be educated, but you must conform to popular belief in fear of not being accepted.

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