The Misuse And Abuse Of Artificial Intelligence

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In addition to malfunctions, there is serious concern around the misuse and abuse of Artificial Intelligence. Misuse and abuse are terms that with Artificial Intelligence can be applied to a few different aspects, such as misuse and abuse through the internet and security. For example, in this day and age, more information than ever is stored online: communication records, banking information, passwords, etc. With the help of Artificial Intelligence it is possible for hackers and scammers to get access to that information with growing ease. Hackers are already getting smarter and smarter, finding new ways to trick people. If they have an Artificial Intelligence system on their side, hypothetically, they would have a plethora of new ways to …show more content…

For example, if Artificial Intelligence were to exceed human intelligence, like many believe it will, it would aid in acts of terrorism/malicia, because not only would it be able to outsmart humans it is also a machine that can withstand a lot more than humans can. This would make fighting (and killing) much easier. Some believe that this isn't something to be afraid of, that Artificial Intelligence could help us against terrorism/malicia. Ackerman, for instance, believes that Artificial Intelligence could prove to be aidful and much better than humans in a violently engaging situation. “Robots could be even more cautious…,” Ackerman, in his article, “We Should Not Ban ‘Killer Robots’ and Here’s Why,” states, “[they] don't have emotions and don't get tired or stressed or distracted… humans can't do this” (Ackerman). While it’s true that Artificial Intelligence robots would have these features, it doesn't take away from the fact that they are machines, machines that can be manipulated to perform evil tasks much easier than humans can. However, some would stick to the thought of Artificial Intelligence getting into the right hands, such as Meg Tirrell in her article, “From Coding to Cancer: How AI is Changing Medicine,” where she explains the expectancy of Artificial Intelligence systems in medical situations. Tirrell quotes a Science …show more content…

Autonomous weapons are quite possibly the most dangerous form of Artificial Intelligence because of the decisions they are constructed to make on their own. To illustrate this, in the article, “Potential and Peril,” Sarah Underwood writes about the difference between weapon technology we use today and the proposed autonomous weapons by explaining that humans would be “giving machines the power to decide who lives and dies” rather than having human operated machinery (Underwood). Right now, drones are being used in the military to perform many functions, the whole process is completely human operated and controlled (Underwood). Life and death decisions may be acted on through use of these drones but it is still a human decision. If we were to move to completely autonomous weapons, humans would have no say in the immediate decisions of the weapons. These weaponised systems would be completely in charge of deciding what is and isn't a threat, and the possibility of misjudgment is far too great. Hypothetically, an example could be a child, whose appearance, attire, or other special circumstance makes them even slightly match a programmed description. That programmed description could cause an autonomous weapon to engage against that child, whereas a human is much more

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