The Milkry Way: The Origin Of The Milky Way

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Milky way! In class I was looking forward learning about the Milky Way, it was something I have been interested in for some time. So in this paper I am going to expand on what we learned in class and talk a little bit more about our Milky Way. So The Milky Way is one of the cosmic galaxies that are made up of billions of stars. The solar system, which is part of Earth, is located in the galaxy. There are many legends about the name of this galaxy. The people our earth can see this galaxy and its stars on clear nights. Its stars look close despite the distance, giving a calm white color that looks like Milky way. In ancient Greek mythology said that “Heraclius wanted to suckle from Hera, but he could not.” He felt very disappointed and the …show more content…

The Arabs found a great resemblance between the shape of the stars in the galaxy and the spawning hay from their animals while feeding them, so they called it Milky Way. The Milky Way's origins date back billions of years. The scientists estimated it to be between 12 to14 billion years old. However, it is considered to be relatively new and comparable to other galaxies. It consists of 400 billion stars and takes the shape of a spiral, estimated at 100,000 light years , Completing one cycle around itself every 250 million years. The Milky Way galaxy revolves around itself like the rest of the celestial bodies. Its orbit completes every 250 million years, but the speed of the stars in its rotation around the center of the galaxy is certainly different. Stars close to the center orbit faster than those on the ledge, resulting in an implantation of the galaxy and its spiral shape, Each of them has a name derived from one of the brightly colored constellations on this arm. There is a constellation of the “Ghoul head” on a farmer of the same name, as well as the farmer and his planet. The arm that holds our solar system is called the “Jabbar” which contains the famous Jade Nebula, and the galaxy is far from its …show more content…

Exploring the stars through it, he proved that the Milky Way is a set of distant and therefore faint stars. In his famous "Star Herald" in 1609, Galileo wrote: "I turned to the observation of the essence or matter of the Milky Way, and with the help of the telescope it was possible to make it so accessible to our eyes that all disputes were silenced by the clarity and evidence that I am exempt from a verbose dispute. In fact, the Milky Way is nothing more than a countless number of stars, as if located in piles, in whatever direction the telescope is directed, a huge number of stars are immediately visible, a few are quite bright and quite distinguishable, the number of stars. In 1755, the German philosopher and Immanuel Kant suggested that the stars form groups in space, just as the planets make up the solar system. These groups he called "star islands". According to Kant, one of such countless islands is the Milky Way - a grand cluster of stars, visible in the sky as a light misty band. In ancient Greek, the word "galaktikos" means "milky," so the Milky Way and star-like systems similar to it are called

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