The Metamorphosis

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Adrian Olivas
Mrs. Loeb
AP Literature
December 22, 2014

Following Your Own Path
Sartre once said, “Life has no meaning a priori… It is up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing but the meaning that you choose.” Existentialism the philosophy which Satre brought into light questions ones existence. It is a philosophy promulgated in the 20th century that states, every person exists first and his nature, or essence, comes about later through the manner he chooses to live his life. This starting point is often called "the existential dilemma? Leaving for us to question the dread and anxiety in the world. In this absurdity, man must create his own essence, and in so doing so he must be responsible for this essence; he cannot blame …show more content…

Kafka without any outside information puts Gregor in this situation. All the reader knows is that his transformation was out of control. While Gregor cannot control his transformation into a insect, he can overcome the challenge of him having been turned into a insect, he keeps telling himself that he will get up at a certain time. Yet he passes every time limit he sets for himself. His lack of motavion and effort seems to derive from his lack of identity and tasteless life. Since Gregor lived for his job and nothing else for so many years he was robbed of his human traits. His mundane and remedial task caused for him to believe he was living the life of an insect. The stories title also gives the reader an insight on Gregor, because metamorphosis translates into transformation or change. Gregor having been turned into a bug has changed the world revolving around him. Yet the world did not stop. Gregor being in a state of uselessness did not stump his family but has actually caused for them to go on with their lives. At first Gregor worked and provided for his family but when he is turned into a insect he just fades away and his family learns to go on without him like if he never existed. Making the whole story absurd because even though he lived for the happiness of others, when he is unable to help he is just tossed aside left to …show more content…

To end up being enslaved to your job, not being able to enjoy your life. Well, in the movie “Fight Club” one man is left with nothing after an explosion in his house (This man’s name is not mentioned so I will call him Jack.) After relizing this he states that he didn’t just loose his belongings but what defined him. The movie “Fight Club” explores the existential dilemma, through Jack’s search of missing

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