The Marlboro Man Article Analysis

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This is a review of the article The Marlboro Man: Cigarette Smoking and Masculinity in America, written by Michael E. Starr in 1984 for the Journal of Popular Culture. The article examines what factors were involved in diminishing the unmanly stigma associated with cigarette smoking in the twentieth century. The United States is the geographical focus. The time period ranges, but the bulk of the article deals with 1900 to 1970. The central point the author drives home is that at the turn of the twentieth century, cigarette smoking was not deemed an acceptable practice for middle or upper class men in the United States. The author states that there were numerous factors, each seemingly more extreme than the last, that lead to the acceptance …show more content…

The evidence, while unsubstantiated, is convincing. Hard data is used to prove the point, and it is stated that cigarette production tripled between 1914 and 1919, rising from 18 billion to 54 billion cigarette. Class is arguably a factor in this apparent spike in cigarette smoking, as soldiers were generally seen to be upstanding members of society. Gender plays a massive role, as even though the war would have required the full effort of every American, it was the men used in advertising. The linking of patriotism, soldiers, and cigarettes is undoubtedly a brilliant marketing manoeuvre. The author falters as he claims cigarettes became tied with the positive values of American masculinity. While the claim is cited, and is conceivable, it is still unproven within the …show more content…

There is little to no mention of any statistics that might show when, and thereby, why, cigarette smoking gained popularity. The author also fails to provide cultural context in many areas. Alleged masculine values in America are presented as fact, when there is no evidence, aside from the author’s word, that this is true. The arguments would be much stronger had the author successfully differentiated between correlation and causation. At times, the article is unbalanced, such as the argument surrounding post-World War Two advertising. Within the article, it is unproven that there was a spike in cigarette smoking in men. It was also unproven that the advertisements had an effect. The article ignores the possibility that the increase in smoking among men was merely a consequence of reaching a few opinion leaders. As cigarettes are such an addictive product, simple curiosity in the privacy of one’s home may have turned some men into smokers. On the whole, the article is well-organized, and logical. Despite the abundance of unconfirmed statements, the alleged consequences of many of the events listed are believable. The article would be significantly more believable if there was a balance of arguments, of if the arguments listed were less disputable. The article should be considered a working, even persuasive, theory, rather absolute

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