The Marketing And Sales Departments

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Marketing and sales department is responsible for making sure customers know about the business. This may include market research, advertising and sales promotions, the creation and development of a website (although it maintenance maybe undertaken by I.T support staff). The sales departments responsible for selling the items to the customer and keeping sales records.

The areas of responsibility are Market Research, Promotional Activities and Sales.

Market research aims to find out customers needs and views on new products and services also old products and service, Promotional Activities is because businesses need to promote their products and services otherwise customers would be aware that they exist, the range of available methods including advertising, sales promotion etc, sales, merchants are employed by companies making house hold products to visit supermarkets to persuade them to stock their brands.

The advantages of the marketing and sales department is that they will research information find new trends that will sell, also promote products that are attractive as well as best selling.

The problems that occur within the marking and sales department are the research being wrong so instead of profit they lose, products could be out of date and rotten also the advertisements for a product will cost money

The marketing and sales department helps achieve the aims and objective of EA^T by making profit margins larger and to increase stock if products sell fast and by that happening it could happen it could help them reach their target price.

The departments communicate two ways internally and externally, I will give two examples of internal and external communication. Internally they communicate by informing customer’s service department of a new product that they will sell and this would be communicated either by telephone or e-mail, they would communicated it this way because this are the ways that new products are most seen or heard because they are not really avoidable i.

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