The Manipulating Of The American Man

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The American Man is manipulating her into thinking this unborn child will destroy their lives and their love for each other. He doesn’t want something to tie himself to her nor want a child. In one peer view of the short story, it states “Their silly interaction of the need to protect their freedom does not justify their first need for woman.” (Susanty). He is making life without him will be a miserable one, yet he knows that she would do it to be with him. The way he talks to her is enticing her into making this decision. The American Man says “I’ll go with you and I’ll stay with you all the time. They just let air in and then it’s all perfectly natural.” (Hemingway 3). He’s words of comfort are uncover words of controlling her mindset into …show more content…

The taste of freedom to this American Man is something he can’t do without. The thought of leaving his life style would make him put someone’s life at risk. The American Man manipulate Jig to get want he wants is to make life without him hard to do. “He chooses his words advantageously, almost deceitfully when trying to convince the girl who an abortion is easy surgery.” (Susanty) The manipulating in this story is hard to define the love that is between The American man and Jig. The American man is making men more dominated over women. That the only way to love someone is to make sure everything is all right by putting other’s lives in risk. The women in the story are either waiting on commands by men or treated like helpless children. Hashmi says, “the American does have "metaphorical capacity," and if he seems unable to grasp the white elephant’s simile it is because he "sees nothing of the beauty or the promise of a more romantic life that prompts Jig's simile. He simply chooses to "shut off" the discussion.” He didn’t want the images or thought of being a father, yet not having as much freedom like he does now. To keep Jig focused, The American stops her from discussing it. This will put Jig back in her place as far as who is dominant in the

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