Essay On The Manhattan Project

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On December 7th, 1941, the entire world changed. The Pearl Harbor attacks occurred on that day, which lead to the start of the Manhattan project, which was a research and development project funded by the United States with the support of United Kingdom as well as Canada. The United States was aware that the Germans were building their atomic bomb; however scientists from the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union realized the potential for uranium-235, which was different from other materials, and ideal for nuclear weapons. With this, the United States pursued this theory, as they had many advantages with an economic advantage and many workers willing to work as well as scientists such as Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein. The Manhattan project lasted around 4 years, and these 4 years changed the world completely. On the day the scientists were ready to test the first atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer stated, “We knew the world would never be the same again.”
The Manhattan project was a project from the United States that …show more content…

The main research facility was Los Alamos, which was also known as Project Y. Oak Ridge was also another production lab that focused on developing materials. Other labs such as Argonne and Hanford as well as Cominco, which was located in Canada, aided in the efforts of the Manhattan project, with Cominco producing electrolytic hydrogen, Hanford creating plutonium production complex, and Argonne also being a plutonium production lab. Two types of bombs were devolved during the Manhattan project. One was a simple gun-type fission weapon that was made using uranium-235, that was mostly produced in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The other was a complex implosion type weapon that was devolved in the project’s main research and design site, Los Alamos. The first device tested was an implosion type bomb code named “Trinity,” and was tested on July 16, 1945 and was

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