The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat Sparknotes

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The novel, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks, is a neurological and psychological journal of Dr. Oliver Sacks’s patients. He describes each one of his patients illnesses into twenty-four short stories. These short stories are split into 4 parts: Losses, Excesses, Transports, and The World of the Simple.
The beginning section of this novel is called Losses. Losses is about people who have lost of lack some function of their brain. Some diseases involving the lack of a brain function are Amnesia, Agonisa, and Aphasia.
The first short story is called The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Dr. P is a musician who had problems with his visual images. He could not recognize common objects like his wife or his shoes, …show more content…

O’C, who had a dream of her childhood in Ireland where she is dancing and singing. This dream suddenly becomes a reality because she feels that she is living in her childhood memories. Mrs. O’M has similar symptoms, but wants treatment unlike Mrs. O’C.
In Incontinent Nostalgia, a 63 year old woman is living with Parkinson disease since she was 18 years old. She is using L-Dopa to treat her disease, which causes the nostalgia and joyful memories of the youthful past.
A Passage to India involves a girl named Bhagawahndi P., who is a 19 year old Indian girl. She suffers from a fatal brain tumor. Day to day, she has dreams and visions of her returning to India and enjoying a normal teenage life.
The Dog Beneath the Skin is about a young medical student who had a dream he was a dog. Since her had that dream, he has incredible sense of smell and he can recognize every street, shop, and food by his smell.
In Murder, a man killed his girl under the influence of PCP, but he has to memory of committing this deed. When he is conscious of what he has done, he is upset and angry about it, but he can do nothing about it because she is dead.
Visions of Hildegard is the story of a woman who has visions of her early childhood and spiritualism. She can imagine and create the picture of the city of

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