The Man In The Water Summary

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Overcoming Human Nature “The Man in the Water” by Roger Rosenblatt discloses the event of a plane crash on the East coast of the United States. How the plane descended into the icy river water of Washington D.C nor the cause of the sudden crash would mark the crash as memorable or distinct. The event would not begin to be remembered until one passenger did the unthinkable; he defied human nature by suppressing his need to survive. It is no lie to say that humans are programed to “survive,” meaning we would do all we could in order to keep ourselves alive. In this situation of chaos; a clear choice between life or death was presented to the male passenger; each time the lifeline was lowered to him, he unlike everyone else choice the latter. With that decision made he passed the lifeline, not exactly knowing how his last actions would resonate with many across the nation. The male passenger, or better know as the man in the water after this event, showed the struggle of man’s fight against nature; and how we are not always doomed for failure against the unpredictable force. …show more content…

“Like every other person in that flight, he was desperate to live….,which made his final act so stunning.” When the man first made contact with the water he probably thought of the possiblity of survival or how he could guarantee his chances of getting out of the hostile situation; but then something changed in the man, instead of fighting for his life he was fighting nature. He let the gut feeling of protecting himself slip; as he struggle with the cold forces of the Potomac and making sure everyone else got to safety. He was his last priority; which contrasted with the other passengers, who selfishly prayed to

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