The Main Obstacles to Peace

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The Main Obstacles to Peace

There has been violence in the Middle East for the past 60 years, and

there still seems to be no hope of a compromise between the

Palestinians and the Israelis. In order for a peace settlement to

work, both sides must agree to it, and must overcome the four main

barriers which stand in the way. They must reach a compromise over the

city of Jerusalem, showing it should be controlled by both peoples

because of the joint history between them, the attitudes and

expectations should try to be fulfilled, which would destroy the

extremist movements on both sides of the conflict, but more

importantly, it has to see a solution for the refugee crisis in this

area of the world, that sometimes people believe are less deadly than

the African refugee crisises.

The first barrier to peace is the attitudes and expectations both

sides have over this conflict. I looked at this section much more

closely in the earlier sections of my coursework, but I have found out

that both sides have strong historical and religious claims to

Palestine- the Jews believe the land was promised to them 4000 years

ago by God, from evidence in the Bible, and that they were unjustly

taken away from them by the Roman invaders, and now they have come

back to claim their homeland where they formed - their "cultural

identity". The Arab claim to Palestine is centred on the fact that

they were descended from the earliest tribes who were indigenous to

this area, and have lived here regardless through the years of foreign

rule. Both sides believe in the idea of owning 100% of Palestine to

create into their ideal homeland. At the moment due to gains in...

... middle of paper ...

...ous circle of despair for the poor in these regions, there

are constant terrorist attacks on the borders of Israel, and there are

always retaliations for the death toll of each nation, and this

"climate of fear" creates the terrorist threat in this small, but

important region. However, as the Refugee problem and the Extremists

are more of a modern problem, the attitudes and expectations of each

side have belittled any attempt at a peace process. Both sides will

always want 100% control of the land, and complete control of their

Capital City - Jerusalem, due to its religious significance. Indeed, I

believe that the beliefs of the Arabs would be too suppressed if a

peace deal was reached, and the Israelis would lose out from a peace

deal, having to give up large areas of land for a people they no

longer believe to exist.

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