The Little Mermaid Essay

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The imagery in a sense encapsulates most everything in the short tales, however, when broken down into genres of the technique the analysis of what each method is implemented will allow for unexplored concepts to be developed and for an appeal to the senses. Perception is a key element in the development of all literature. When fairy tales are studied, creativity is an enormous factor. This is often a byproduct of other authors literary and stylistic choices that in this case are implemented to embody paganism. The commonality between all tales is the pagan concepts, these various appeals to senses and images created are done in which a way that the authors will achieve the goal of critiquing society while drawing comparisons to paganism. The sea itself is changing as the tension changes through the tale, at point of high tension “the sea became restless, and a moaning, grumbling sound could be heard beneath the wave” (Andersen) whereas, “ becalmed on the water, with only one sail set; for not a breeze stiffed” (Andersen) is the outcome of a time with low tension.The sea is a method Andersen combines both visual and auditory imagery to develop the tail. The visual and auditory images of the sea and the movement of the waves along with tension is extremely powerful. The sea symbolizes the unpredictability and adolescence of the Little Mermaid while the tension it aids is done to expand on the pagan concept of boundaries. This guideline between nature and the modern world as discussed by Sabrina Magliocco, the description is to further explain this divide . This always goes along with the passage of time by leaving the sea causing the “dreadful storm” (Andersen) and the periods of “Storm and calm” (Andersen). The shifts within the tales determine the natural order of the world contributing to the influence life and nature have coincided with one another. The imbalance

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