The Literary Works of Phyllis Dorothy James

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Phyllis Dorothy James was born August 3, 1920 Oxford, England. James ended up moving to Wales and the moved to Cambridge, England. She was attending Cambridge high school for girls. Her family was not very wealthy and her dad did not believe in education beyond high school for girls. So James went to work for an tax office for three years. Then went and married Ernest Connor Bantry White in 1941. James and Ernest had two children, Claire and Jane. James was in her forties when her first novel, cover her face was published in 1962. She used her personal live and her professional live to write her amazing stories. “These aided her in both her description of police detective work and her portrayal of characters” (Encyclopedia). James used her work for the bases of her novel. She gave her readers background on police and medical procedures. In A Mind to Murder (1962), Shroud for a Nightingale (1971), and Death of an Expert Witness (1977). She is focused on examine a relationship between people will still telling a mystery. In 1999 she received the Mystery Writers of America Grandmaster Award for long term achievement. She is published all over the world as: Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Argentina, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, Holland and Norway. This is a quote that P.D. James wrote in children of men, "History, which interprets the past to understand the present and confront the future, is the least rewarding discipline for a dying species." (P.D. James) This book has a great theme, setting and great motifs.

The theme throughout this book has to do with power and hope, the whole book from the begging has to do with it. The rivalry between Theo and Xan is interpreted by though their mothe...

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...generally, "Sojourners" are imported to do undesirable work. At 60, which is the age limit, they are sent back ("forcibly repatriated").

British Omegas are not allowed to emigrate so as to prevent further loss of labor. Older/infirm citizens have become a burden; nursing homes are for the privileged few. The rest are expected and sometimes forced to commit suicide by taking part in a "Quietus" (Council-sanctioned mass drowning).

The state has opened "pornography centres". Twice a year, healthy women under 45 must submit to a gynecological examination, and most men must have their sperm tested, to keep hope alive.

Works Cited

James, P. D. The Children of Men. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1993. Print.

P.D. James Biography - Encyclopedia of world Biography. 2011. Web.

P.D. james Interview. I have lived a very happy and fulfilled life – Telegraph. Jul 2010. Web.

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