The Lightning Thief Summary

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Info: Riordan, R. (2005). The Lightning Thief. Narrated by Jesse Bernstein. New York: Listening Library. MP3 Audiobook. ASIN: B000A5CJSQ Format: MP3 Audiobook Plot Summary: A young delinquent boy finds out he's the son of an ancient Greek god and the only person who can stop an all out war between the gods. Audience: The vocabulary is not overly complex and matches the tone and age of the main character, which is 12 years old. The characters in this narrative are put in danger often, but the author is careful not to make these scenes too intense or too frightening. They are actually, more often than not, quite comical. Though there is some fantastical violence, the author uses a magic sword to explain that only monsters are to be harmed.

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