The Libyan Conflict: The Arab Spring: Conflicts And Protests

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John F. Kennedy once said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable (Good Reads, 2014).” This wise quote sums up the Libyan conflict perfectly. The people of Libya peacefully protested against the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi who violently retaliated and this led to what the world now refers to as the Libyan conflict. This conflict was one of the many that were apart of the chain of uprisings that spread across the Middle East by civilians trying to gain freedom from their governments. These uprisings were known as the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring started in Tunisia when a man set himself on fire in front of a government building in protest to the actions of a policewoman toward him . Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and other nations such as Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Oman all had uprisings and protests related to the Arab Spring. The Libyan conflict started in February of 2011 as a result of the brutal rule of Gaddafi toward his people. The violence that the Gaddafi government was committing toward the Libyan people made the world turn against the government. Due to the fact that the rebels were out-gunned and unorganized, the support of the UN Security Council greatly helped them. After eight months of fighting and approximately 25,000 lives lost, Gaddafi was captured and killed and Libya was officially liberated from the absolute dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi.
There are still issues with the post-Gaddafi Libya however there are numerous ways of fixing these problems. The main problems that need to be fixed are the security sector and the private sector. In order to fix the security sector, the government needs to employ the National Guard to h...

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...hey are creating new problems by stalling on their duties; the main duty being to draft a constitution for the country (BBC, 2013). In February of 2013 the formation of the constitutional panel was decided on by the congress (BBC, 2013). The decision was that twenty experts would be elected from each of the three regions in the country by the people (BBC, 2013). The members of congress are wary of hastening a document too quickly because they want to ensure that the constitution contains the rights of all Libyans whose needs are very diverse (BBC, 2013). Bilal Bettamer, one of the many to help on the frontline to end the 42-year rule, said, “I lose hope at times but Libyans have this ability to do things that brings hope back in a second. I’m very positive about our future, but honestly, the worst has happened already, all we go now is recovery (BBC, 2013).”

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