The Leopard

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Description and Behavior
The Leopard had great variation in appearance and behavior. It is also the widest distributed of all the world’s wildcats. It’s coat color can vary from a pale yellow, to gold or a tawny color. It’s head and limbs and stomach are spotted with solid black blotches. Coat color and patterning are associated with it’s habitat.

1. Savannah Leopards – Reddish to orange color
2. Desert Leopards – Pale cream to a yellow-brown coloring,
The ones from cooler regions a more grayish color.
3. Rainforest Leopards – dark, deep golden coloring
4. High mountain Leopards – even darker than 3

Black Leopards/Black Panthers are found most frequently in humid forests but are just a color variation and not a subspecies. Variations in color has been the basis for the naming of 24 subspecies of Leopards in the Sub-Saharan Africa alone. However most of these animals are not really subspecies but merely color variations.

Eating and Hunting Habits

The Leopard has a great ability to adapt to different

availability of prey. They have adapted in size variations ranging from 41 kg full grown to 91 kg full grown. The Leopard’s prey ranges from tiny dung beetles to the adult male eland which can weigh up to 900 kg. The Leopard also eats mostly medium sized prey such as small antelope or other medium sized animals depending on climate and region. The Leopard also has no problems adapting to the overlapping of it’s hunting ranges with other large predators such as Lions because of their wide range of foods they consume. They are also very strong and have been known to carry prey up to 129 kg in weight into trees up to 5.9 km high. The Leopard also carries it’s prey into thick brush some hundreds of meters from the kill site just to get away from competing predators. They are generally most active from sunset to sunrise and kill more prey at this time than any other time.

Biological Data

Reproductive Season: Year-Round, peaked during the birth season of impala, their main prey

Estrus: average 7 days

Estrus cycle: average 46 days

Pregnancy: 96 (90-105) days

Litter Size: 1-4 cubs

Cub Survival Rate: First-year mortality estimated at 41% to at least 50% annually

Sub-adult Survival Rate: Average mortality 1.5-3 years old 32% nearly twice as high as the adults- females 40% males: 25%

Interbirth Interval: average 15 months

Age at Independence: 13-18 months- Siblings may remain together for up to several months before separating.

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