The Latte Factor In David Bach's The Automatic Millionaire

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Wealth is one of the most significant factors in American society that contributes to happiness because it allows us to live comfortably, and worry free. Thus in order to achieve financial independence we must make enough money to accomplish these goals. In David Bach’s book, The Automatic Millionaire, he highlights proven ways to accomplish this goal that are guaranteed to succeed if you follow them consistently and correctly. Some of the most significant ways to generate this amount of wealth is through the ideas of paying yourself first, making it automatic, and the latte factor which are not only great at generating money but are extremely realistic.
Retirement is one of the stages in life everyone looks forward to, however, most people …show more content…

This is where the concept of the latte factor comes in. The idea of latte factor is to just simply eliminate everyday expenses that are not necessary like a latte, which you can make at home, or a pack of cigarettes. This concept is important to becoming an automatic millionaire because it eliminates excuses and provides you with extra money a day that you can then contribute to your retirement account which will in turn make you a automatic millionaire. An example of the latte factor in David Bach's, The Automatic Millionaire, is Kim. Kim is of the common mindset that she does have extra money to contribute to a retirement account but through a detailed breakdown of her daily expenses David found that on average she spends $11.20 a day, not counting after lunch, on food that doesn't make her full. If she were to simply cut $5.00 from this i.e. her latte from starbucks and contributed it to a retirement account she would have roughly 1.2 million dollars. In my opinion, the use of the latte factor is something that we can all relate to because we all have things we spend money on that we do not need to daily. Thus the principle of saving even as little as $5.00 a day and contributing it toward our future is not only extremely plausible but will lead us to a future of wealth through a retirement …show more content…

If you are not disciplined in your pay yourself first contributions they will never accumulate; if you are not disciplined in your elimination of the latte factor you will never reap the benefits. Due to the basic human nature of instant gratification and its effect on preventing you to be wealthy the concept of making it automatic is the most important because it eliminates basic human instinct. To make something automatic is to simply automate the process. This is important because through automation it makes the pain of those unnecessary monthly contributions pain free, in terms of pay yourself money, by doing it automatically. Since it is done automatically you subsequently do not need to think about it and since you are not thinking about it, the discipline that would normally be associated with making consistent monthly payments is circumvented. This gives you the ability to contribute money without being tempted to stop ,thus eventually leading you to millions of dollars in wealth through a retirement account. An example in the book The Automatic Millionaire of someone employing this method is the McIntyre’s who only made about $50,000 maximum throughout their lifetime. But through their method of making it automatic they were not tempted to spend what little they had left over

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