The Last Mission Character Analysis

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War is a very tough and gruesome thing that people have to deal with even though no one likes it. It takes a special person to enlist and go fight for their country. Someone who's tough and can handle seeing the things they have to see day after day, no matter what just to defend their country. Now imagine being only fifteen and sneaking into the army just to do what's right and needs to be done. It was the mid 1940's while WWII is raging through Europe as Hitler and his numerous followers and soldiers are terrorizing mainly the Jewish population killing millions. Jack Raab, a fifteen year old boy, dreams of being a hero, so when he hears about what's going on he sees it as his chance to be one. Leaving his family in New York with his brothers …show more content…

I believe that Harry Mazer's novel, The Last Mission, perfectly represents how a setting can affect a character by showing life aboard a B-17 over Germany, life in a Nazi POW camp, and finally showing the numerous historical events and …show more content…

Most importantly setting affecting a character was shown on their many bombing runs and also with their time on and off the base when they had to make tough decisions that would affect them in many ways. It's also shown in the Nazi POW camps where conditions were crowded and Inhumane. Finally, topping it off the numerous historical events and influences showed the setting affecting the character by making him have to make tough choices. To conclude, we learn that where we are or who the people we're with can affect the way we are and the choices we make. Even what year it is can affect the person we are. Maybe this is something that you can reflect on and see, maybe the people you're hanging out with might be influencing you in the wrong way, or maybe just the setting you're in is a bad you. I greatly urge that you take a minute and look back on your life and see in what ways you can change your setting to positively affect your

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