The Lady With The Dog Conflict Essay

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Throughout life there are many conflicts that people experience which effects their behavior and mind set. In the short story “The Lady with the Dog”, a married man and a married woman meet and fall passionately in love with one another and are forced to choose between their families or what they feel for each other. There is also much conflict in the short story “Barn Burning” which is about a little boy whose father commits terrible acts, although the little boy knows these are wrong and despises them. “A Rose for Emily”, the third story, is about a woman who has many conflicts in her life and will take any action necessary to get and keep what she wants. The characters in the stories experience conflicts that people in the real world also face in everyday life. First of all, in the story “The Lady with the dog”, a man who is married with children and has very little respect for women, falls in love with a young woman who is also married. The couple keeps their relationship very secretive, not wanting anyone to find out what they are doing. In the story, the young lady wanted to end the relationship knowing it was wrong and wished to never see the man again although the man was …show more content…

The romantic struggle in the story “The Lady with the Dog” is played out every day in our society, not just in literature. “Barn Burning” was a story which placed young children in terrible situations created by a parent and is a situation that happens to often in today’s world. The short story “A Rose for Emily” describes the ultimate sacrifice that someone would make to have everything they want, no matter what the consequences might be and is tragically common in today’s society. No matter what the conflict might be in literature, whether it deals with relationships, bad home lives, or extreme selfishness, it all happens in the real world that everyone faces

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