The Kite Runner Compare And Contrast

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Caroline Okello, in her article on friendship writes, “In life, you will have friends that are smarter, more successful, richer, or poorer, friends that are blessed with better health and are luckier than you in love but that shouldn’t spell doom to a friendship. You are friends and it’s all about support, not competition.” In other words, one’s status, religion or qualification does not define oneself and hence cannot be the basis of one’s friendship. Thus, friendship goes beyond everything; Friendship goes beyond religion, money or education.
Friendship is pure and has no place for supremacy. But, where does supremacy come in the picture? Superiority arises out of jealously. No two persons are similar and the same holds true for friends. Hence differences between people are inevitable. There are events in life when one talks about these differences openly but these differences are to be celebrated and not to be jealous of. This holds true with regards to Amir and Hassan, the protagonists of Khaled Hosseini’s ‘The Kite Runner’. While Amir read Hassan stories, often it happened that Hassan came across words …show more content…

For instance, two women of different race and religion showed the world that in true friendship, one supports the other despite of all odds. A Chinese lady helped her Malay friend in raising funds for her surgery at the time when none of them were financially strong. The Chinese friend, in her interview said, “It saddens me to see my friend in such a desperate state. I may not be able to help her financially but I will find other ways so that she will have money she needs.” This shows how a friend cannot see the other in pain and can work hard, make two ends meet, for getting the friend out of it. Whatever the situation be, one finds a way to get his friend out of the trouble zone and this is called true

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