The Killer Whales: The Habits Of The Killer Whales

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The killer whales are mammals. They have two common names the killer whale and the ocra. Killer whales inhabit most of the world’s oceans, going from warm waters to freezing cold waters (Monterey Aquarium). Not all of the killer whales are known because their are so many. Orca’s are very social and travel in pods. The whales usually stay with the same pods of whales as they travel. Ocras usually migrate with their food, and they also have seasonal migrations. (Sea World). The food they eat is fish, sea lions, squids, penguins,sea turtles, sea birds, seals, baleen whales, other toothed whales {dolphins}, walruses, sea otters, sharks, the can also eat humans, polar bears, reptiles, mooses, and other killer whales [that are dead](Sea World)(National Geographic). They are carnivores (National Geographic). Killer whales do not chew their food they swallow their whole or rip off chunks. Ocras hunt in pods and to confuse their prey they herd them to the top of surface then attack. They can also jump on land to get their food. Killer whales have cone like-shaped teeth that are thre...

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