The Journey Towards God

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A Greater Awareness
The journey towards God, spirituality, and church can be a challenging one. We gain invaluable insight into the world around us through experience and research. At the same time, when a group shares their experiences and understanding, this insight is enriched beyond that which is capable of one person. As a result of this course, my spiritual awareness and understanding has been elevated. Furthermore, I have developed a greater appreciation and understanding of other world religions. While my focus will be centered on God and Christian concepts, I will also explore concepts in other world religions which may enhance my overall spirituality. At the same time, I understand there are concepts which may or may not work for all. It is up to each of us to explore which concepts work best.
My journey towards God and a greater sense of spirituality has been enhanced by this course. While I did not have the strong religious backgrounds that some of my classmates enjoyed, I understand we all have different experiences and exposure to certain things in life. While I was privileged to hear my classmates as they shared their personal stories, I felt bad for some of them. Even with a religious background, individual(s) are still fallible to the evils of the world. As a result of this experience, I understand we need to do more than just pray. We need to change our lifestyles and our way of thinking. Our lives need to be balanced with God being foremost and the rest falling into the appropriate order. At the same time, we need to be appreciative and thankful for all that is bestowed upon us. Every person and everything we are exposed to should be considered a gift. We should not take anything for granted. A...

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...nue to be a journey of challenges and triumphs. Through additional experience and research, I will continue to gain invaluable insight into the world around us. I am forever indebted to my classmates and instructor for sharing their experiences and interpretations. As a result of this course, my spiritual awareness and understanding has been elevated. At the same time, I have developed a greater appreciation and understanding of other world religions. While my focus will be centered on God and Christian concepts, I will also explore concepts in other world religions which may enhance my overall spirituality. At the same time, I understand there are concepts which may or may not work for me. It is up to each of us to explore which concepts work best.

Works Cited

Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II

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