The Johnlock Conspiracy

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An event which caused me to alter my weltanschauung was, shockingly, discovering slash fiction. I became metacognitive of internalized sexism and homophobia. Furthermore, slash caused me to question heteronormative ideals, and see how these ideals seeped into the judgemental attitudes of my peers and others in society. There is stigmatization surrounding the idea of being a slash fangirl. They are perceived by some as creepily fixated on same sex romance. Therefore, I was reluctant in admitting I enjoyed reading slash fiction. However, I came to realize that people interested in same sex relationships in fiction were maligned as being myopically concerned by sex. This ignores the fact that many slash fans are LGBT individuals who don’t want …show more content…

The issue with criticizing queer readings of older literature as far fetched is that homosexuality was taboo throughout much of history. Consequently, it is absurd to demand a plethora of explicit, undeniable evidence that characters in literature were intended to be queer. It demonstrates ignorance of the oppression LGBT people faced. What caused me to become aware of queer culture being hidden in plain sight was discovering the Johnlock Conspiracy. It is basically a loosely associated group of people online who theorized that the BBC adaptation of Sherlock was rife with queer undertones pointing to a romantic relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. My interest piqued, I read through the original stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as literary analyses of it, and began to wonder if they were right. Months later, I read The Great Gatsby, where it is practically impossible to ignore Nick Carraway’s interest in men. It made me more aware of the tragedy of all these creative individuals, who were not permitted to freely express themselves. Who, in spite of being constricted by society, made unforgettable works of literature. Regardless of how often queer interpretations of media are mocked, it can’t be denied is that queer people have found solace in identifying with characters similar to

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