The Innocent Boy Short Story

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The Innocent Boy I was bored at my house on a Saturday afternoon. It was about 3:00. It was cool and windy outside, so I thought it would be nice to take a walk on the beach with my friend, Stacy. I asked my mom, “Is it okay to ask my friend if we could go to the beach down the road,” she said, “That is fine. Just be back before dark.” I called Stacy and she said, “Let me call my mom too. She’s at work, I’ll call you back.” I waited about ten minutes before she called me back. Her mom said that is okay. We met at the park in the middle of the neighborhood before we walked down to the beach. We finally got down to the beach and realized it was more windy than we thought. It’s not too windy where it could knock us down, but where it blew our …show more content…

We both went back to our house to put on a jacket. Once we got back to the beach again we decided to get some food. I said, “How about we get Dairy Queen? It’s a nice day to get ice cream.” Stacy said, “Sounds like a good idea.” We went over to Dairy Queen and got ice cream. I got a chocolate blizzard with brownie pieces in it and Stacy got a vanilla ice cream cone. My ice cream had chocolate drizzle on top with the brownie pieces and it was really good. We went to a picnic table and ate our ice cream. The ice cream stand wasn’t very busy today. After that, we started walking on the beach. The sand was warm against my feet, the sun must have been out earlier today. It was a cool windy day so the waves were really high. Not very many people were swimming in the ocean. Some people were eating like we just were, some were just sitting in the sand, others were walking. Stacy and I saw a family walking around too. They had a daughter who looked like she was 11, with blonde hair, and then the mom and dad.

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