The Influence Of The Diadochi In The Death Of Alexander The Great

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The Diadochi used a variety of techniques to acquire power after the death of Alexander the Great. The deceased emperor left no clear successor ruler for his empire, the subsequent weak dual monarchy and regency that followed gave the Diadochi time to try to consolidate power for themselves. None of the Diadochi could replicate Alexander 's military brilliance and charisma but they tried their best to emulate him to carve for themselves as large a chunk of territory as possible. For sixteen years they perpetuated the impression of aspiring to restore the empire under the Argead dynasty because many Macedonians greatly admired the family. Only after the Diadochi had sufficiently consolidated their power did they assume the title king in 306 …show more content…

During the Babylon conference following the death of Alexander the army expressed a great loyalty to the Argead dynasty and desire to preserve Alexander 's empire. The Generals Craterus and Meleager were both very popular with the army and used their influence to propose Phillip Arrhidaeus as the new king. Perdiccas was aware of Meleager 's popularity and thus appointed him as Hyparchos to appease the soldiers. At one point Perdiccas incorrectly suspected Ptolemy of aspiring to claim the whole empire, so he marched on Egypt with an army. The expedition failed embarrassingly with many soldiers drowning while trying to cross the nile and they ran out of supplies early. Ptolemy turned these soldiers against Perdiccas by providing them with food and supplies. They then murdered Perdiccas in his tent11. After decades of campaigning with Alexander the macedonian army were tired of fighting and just wanted a reward for their efforts and whichever successor could provide them with the most booty earned their favour12. War was central to the successor 's economies and the resources, allowing them to live in extreme luxury, flaunting their power. It was not mearly the fruits of war that commanded authority but also skill in waging war and military bravery. For Example in 317 at the battle of Paraitakene Antigonus and Eumenes both charged into battle in the front lines of their armies13. In …show more content…

The Emperor had been vague about who should be his successor, the only two obvious biological candidates were either too young or mentally incapable. This resulted in a long period of regency with a weak dual monarchy. This gave the diadochi time to try to consolidate power for themselves. Alexander 's military brilliance and charisma were difficult for the successors to emulate and they lacked his grand ambitions. However they still tried their best to mimic him in order claim as large a chunk of power and territory as possible. Under the guise of preserving the unity of the empire and Argead rule, the successors formed coalitions to oppose anyone who looked like they were about to take full control of state, however they really wanted power for themselves. For many years the Diadochi perpetuated the illusion of wanting to restore the empire under the Argead dynasty out of loyalty. Many macedonians maintained great respect for Alexander 's family and it was essential to appease these admirers. Only after the diadochi had sufficiently consolidated their power did they assume the title king in 306 and 305. Military success itself was essential for maintaining authority but also for acquiring the treasure needed to buy the soldier 's favour and make grandiose gestures of wealth such as feasts to demonstrate their power. The successors paid great attention to

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