The Influence Of Social Media On Aboriginal People

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1. It was a little heartbreaking to hear all the stories. One of the women in the video mentioned that she had about 50 friends on the missing list. I can't even begin to imagine how devastating it must be to lose so many of your friends. Like many others, I was shocked when I first watched the video and read the report. Hundreds of Canadian citizens missing, and we have no answers. And perhaps more shocking is that this has been going on for years and it wasn't until very recently that this issue began gaining any traction. As we all live in a world that is constantly connected via social media, it's almost baffling to think that this had been happening for years without public knowledge. Unfortunately, it does become somewhat explainable from a conflict theorist's perspective when most of the victims are Aboriginals as they have been pushed to the margins in our society. They are thought of as being "less than" other citizens as they have little power in Canadian society. Aboriginal people typically are of lower socioeconomic status and low education levels, two things which our society values. As they do not have money or education, they are ultimately pushed aside and forgotten. …show more content…

Historically, Aboriginal people have not been treated well. Their land have been taken away from them time and time again. Their population was greatly reduced due to illness and war. Most Aboriginal families would have their children taken away from them and sent to residential schools where child abuse would regularly occur. Canadian Aboriginal history is rife with violence and oppression and modern society tends to gloss over this fact. Even in history courses, we don't really learn about all of the things that had happened. And because we don't know about the violent history, we don't realize that this violence and oppression still

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