The Influence Of Body Image

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As prom season goes by, I realized there’s a problem with our society. If women have an hourglass shape or thin shaped body there being rated high on the scale of “the perfect body image." The media manipulates women by establishing an unachievable standard of beauty and body perfection. This manipulation has led women to dissatisfaction with their bodies.The media’s influence on body image has established an unachievable standard of beauty and body perfection.Images of women in magazines and on the television have impacted a woman's sense of body satisfaction.This has created an unhealthy obsession with images of beauty and the idea of perfection in our society.The media that controls the magazines and television has caused social pressures that mentally urge women to maintain the image that pertains to their ethnicity and culture. This has set a trend, indoctrinating female from childhood and adolescence which later on brainwashes them into maintaining a specific body image causing negative effects in adulthood. WHAT IS BODY IMAGE Body image is a subjective picture of one's own physical appearance established both by self-observation and by noting the reactions of others .Individuals treat the body like a language. “It is a sign, text to be read and interpreted. Big breast speaks fertility. Long neck is elegant. Full lips are sexy. Fat is slothful. A big nose is awkward. Nappy is unhappy. Bald women are unfeminine.” (Edut, Walker 1998, p.xiii) The importance of attaining the ideal image is about power .Ophira Edut (1998, p.xx) discusses “body image goes far beyond weight and it runs deeper than skin color.” She states, “Our bodies have become arenas for feelings we don’t deal with, for unresolved traumas and injustices.” It’... ... middle of paper ... ...e to constantly tell themselves. Women need to retain their strengths find their beauty so that they can thrive.Tyra bank discusses that during the time when she was a model, looking at other models would make her depressed. She says “my body could never be like another model unless I go to unhealthy means which is not worth it”(TV show) Throughout the success of my solution to this problem, women will no longer be victims of the Medias negative influence on the imposed body image. In result, the empowerment of the redefined meaning of beauty will now allow women to start to really acknowledge themselves. They will start to focus on the part of them that is most beautiful which are invisible to their eye. They will learn how to eliminate the medias negative influence and teach younger generation of women that character and integrality are the defining source of

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