The Inadequacies Of Revenge In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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I also agree with this statement. In the end, the resolution of each revenge plot does highlight the inadequacies of revenge. Hamlet is focused on seeking revenge. In the play, the ghost, Hamlet’s father, tells Hamlet, “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (1.5, 31). These words convince him to seek revenge. This decision of seeking revenge leads him to unexpected events which affect his life and creates many consequences. His love life gets wrecked due to his rush to gain revenge. There’s an incident where he kills his love's, Ophelia’s father. During his conversation with Gertrude, Hamlet believes that Claudius is behind the tapestry and says, “How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!”(3.4.24). He kills Polonius, an innocent man. Hamlet’s

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