The Importance Of Vitamins In Our Body

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The Importance of Vitamins in our Body and
What is a Vitamin? People do not know what is a vitamin, what they do and why human body required them. However, they exist numerous types and kinds of vitamins, for example, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K; human body requires some more than others. Dr. Karl Forkers says that, “A vitamin is an organic nutritional substance present in low concentration in the body.” (1976, Dr. Forkers K.) This paper examines the importance of vitamins but also the disadvantages of the excess of consume on it, also analyzing vitamins in daily life like in low-fat products. The ignorance of the human and the bad nutrition closes the eyes of society because people don’t know what to do or eat to have a healthy body, so …show more content…

Children were told to eat their carrots so they will be able to see in the dark. (1999, Stanton, R.) Is not a myth, is true because vitamin A has that characteristic, it is involve with your vision. A medium sized carrot has 2000 micrograms of Vitamin A, almost three times the requirement. This vitamin helps you to control vision, healthy skin, immunity, anticancer and antioxidant. Is found in chicken, fish, liver, egg yolk, butter, etc. Vitamin A is a very good without excess. Vitamins are divided into two chemical classes the water-soluble vitamins (C and B) and the second group the Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). The type of vitamins influences the way in which is absorbs and also distributed in all our body. In the bottom of the page as you can see there is a table of contents which has all the vitamins and which food has those vitamins. This table is showing you which food is better for your body. The foods that you often eat are the vitamins that you have more in your …show more content…

This are not need to be taken every day, because your body is going to store it and is going to produce fat. This disadvantage because all the excess is going to accumulate in body fat and may be toxic. They do not contain vitamin A. that is why infants cannot consume reduced-fat and skim milks have warning labels. Vitamin D also affects in good way infancy and childhood and it is added to a lot of food, but excess of vitamin D is a serious problem. Is very difficult to control what you eat and know the right amount and kind of the food you are eating. Use the table of the top to control what you eat and like you will know if is good for your

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