The Importance Of The Pulitzer Prize

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Many people might wonder what a typical person might feel about winning the biggest prize in their profession. Something like that for many becomes a life changing event. The Pulitzer Prize is a U.S. award for achievements in newspaper, online journalism, literature, and musical composition. The Pulitzer Prize was first created by Joseph Pulitzer in 1917. Fourteen titles have been given every year in journalism. Awards have been given out every year since 1917. Pulitzer was the founder of the Pulitzer Prize, the most prestigious award in American Journalism. No person has ever won both a prize for arts and letters and a prize for journalism. In his will, he left two million dollars for Columbia University to create a school of journalism. Each winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Photography represents a great impact on the field of photography.

Jeffrey Eugenides said,

“The Pulitzer Prize is an idea; it's a vote of confidence. Like literature, it exists purely in the mind. The Pulitzer isn't a physical object. You can't hold it in your hand. You get some money ($7,500 in my d...

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