The Importance Of Technology In Feed By M. T Anderson

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Have you ever been in class bored with a boring teacher, throughout the class you just pulled out your phone or used a computer? Well the book Feed by M.T Anderson takes us 100 years or so in the future. Feed talks about how society depends on electronics. Clouds are trademarked so on and so on; people have transmitters implanted in their brain. There are two main characters Titus and Violet, Titus is a teenager with the Feed just like violet and the others. While Titus and Violet are out partying at a nightclub they suddenly get hacked. So on throughout the book they get rushed to the hospital, they realize they have to turn their feed off, … then they turn it back on. They are relieved, throughout the book Titus and Violet start up a relationship they almost love each other until Violet realize she is dying. In looking at the book feed we realize how much we depend on technology and how one day in may even control our lives. We will examine the pain the friend ship of a couple we will examine how life could or may be in the future. To find that it may not be anything we think it is. In this book there are many examples of how society can have different opinions on how technology can change us. One example is when Titus begins to feel stupid because of his girlfriend, he thinks to him self “am I smart or stupid” thinking about this very hard Titus confronts his parents and ask them weather he is stupid or smart. Like most parents his mom and dad would not answer in their minds to change the subject instead of sitting him down they bought him a car. Sure enough he forgot all about it. He Sais “I could feel their feeds shifting to a common point, some kind of banner they were pulling up. And it unwrapped in my head and I did not... ... middle of paper ... ...down. Through out the conversation they fight and Titus goes home depressed, a Couple days later Titus revisits her house. He tells her what he can find on his feed. He looks and looks he tells her there life is like a movie. The book ends with violets feed… In conclusion the book tells us how teenagers would act with the feed how we do not need school how the feed teaches us everything how any questions can be asked and answered. We see that technology can change are relationships with the people we love it can make us think less and less if everything was handed to us we would have no decisions. This story by M.T Anderson makes us really think how simple and advanced technology can make us throw out whole lives away. I thought that the author did a really great job expressing his beliefs and if this were to ever happen what we can do and what we shouldn’t do.

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