The Importance Of Strict Dress Codes

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Dress Codes: Never Pleased "Oh my gosh! Her shoulder is showing!" "I can see her knee caps." Sound familiar? Well, if you went to a public school with a strict dress code, then it was heard quite often. Strict dress codes go beyond the typical length of shorts or tee-shirts. Now-a-day, girls are targeted with inappropriate words just because of certain parts of their bodies showing or because of how a material is made. For example, if a girl's shirt slightly shows her shoulder, some schools will send her home because it is supposedly "distracting" for the male students. It is absolutely insane because nothing that she is wearing is inappropriate. Although some dress code is required, the codes that are established today should not be as strictly written as they are. People that support strict dress codes are wrong because the clothes are not to blame for academic performances, and the clothing that is worn is a personal way of expressing their style and make choices. The first argument that strict dress codes are unnecessary is that academic performance is not affected by them. By creating a strict dress code or even requiring a uniform is not going to make the classroom any less distracting. Ryan Yeung, a graduate from Syracuse University, points out "school uniforms are not a panacea" ("School Uniforms"). A panacea is used …show more content…

If the dress code is a uniform, it is said to help the students pay attention in the class rooms. According to NYLN, "People who are in favor of school dress codes posited that imposing this policy will encourage students to focus more on learning than what to wear every day" ("School Dress Codes "). So, dress codes can be a positive to the school systems. There are also several other pros, such as the reduced acts of bullying. Some students may not have as much as others, so they would become easy targets. Therefore, dress codes are not 100% terrible, just very

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