The Importance Of Stonehenge: A Human Vulva

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Stonehenge: a Human Vulva or Temple, or something else…?
The content of this project is based on the largest and most complete megalithic structure in Europe, The Stonehenge. It resides in center of the southern England; on the wide spread Salisbury Plains. It is said to be old approximately four thousand years, and it is even considered older than the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Standing there over such a long time, it has been the subject of research and mystery in general, for a really long time. Dozens of notable scientists, emperors and others expressed their admiration and interest through different means of explorations and excavations. There have been various theories on how it was built, and what the purpose of it was, and some of them are really intriguing and interesting such. Some thought it was built as a solar-lunar calendar, some said that it had medical purposes for the giants that had built it, it was considered a ceremonial place, temple of veneration, a portal and lastly but not less important, there were some associations of Stonehenge to the aliens. The two specific theories on the Stonehenge’s importance will be discussed and summarized in this essay. First theory comes from an astronomical stand point interpreted by Mr. Chris Witcombe, and the second theory might sound unusual when said the Stonehenge represents the human vulva, and this theory is interpreted by Anthony Perks(PhD) and Darlene Bailey(BA).
First theory that comes from astronomical angle is usually the more believed one since there was so many close in content interpretations of it with tiny variations. In the structure of this ancient monument, several types of stones can be observed. There are: Sarsen stones, Trilithon, Blue stones, an Altar...

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...Their innermost position explained with the need of protection that comes from the mother/father like structures right behind them really does reflect a family atmosphere. We saw the parents and the child in the middle, and all this can imply that the motive of birth hides behind these enormous stones. They [Perks and Bailey] openly negate the theory of Stonehenge site being a burial site, since there is very little evidence of death. However, the comparison to the motive of birth still stands its point. If one look closely at the structure of human vulva and the structure of Stonehenge from a bird perspective, one can easily notice a lot of resemblance points. Several similar parts can be observed, such as: Labia majora and outermost circle, Labia minora and inner trilithon circle, clitoris and altar stone and also the open center and vagina opening (birth canal).

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