The Importance Of Self-Reliance In American Literature

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Self-reliance is present in the writers of American literature as one 's own powers and resources rather than those of others in the purpose of feeling love for a nation and be kind as an example for all readers to follow the person and respect for what they should have been. Self-reliance makes more sense when we see in what context the authors write and the serious ideas they wanted to deliver to us. A closer reading of this period of authors allows us to view the value social reform movement and group action more than authors in the early period, so those were perhaps partly due to the maturity one gains in the life cycle, perhaps partly due to the failure of individual philanthropy to solve the increasing social problems of the author …show more content…

First of all, self-reliance represents maturity for a strong society. Emerson 's ideas of self-reliance in this point are very thought out and evolved throughout his lifetime. He said, "Belive anything you want to believe and do anything you want to do" in "Self-Reliance", he showed the relationship he had among the people and how ethical behavior of them has to be in American society. The maturity of the writing of Emerson 's poem includes the ideas about the "deep force" that existed to him and all people as an individual identity in the universe that is "true for all men" and all human beings. The reliance is the sign for strong feeling and the picture to design the standing up to society efforts to make them conform for moving forward. This maturity for strong power we read to "Song of Myself" by Whitman 's that tell us the man 's power with self-reliance is comprised with ideas, experiences, states and himself is at the same time individual voice with universal desires. It is not easy for those writers to get together an organization and …show more content…

That work is not staying without movement, but appointing to the several problems of political excitement for desirable life. Staying in this theme, they make short and long stories and follow the adventures in believing, starting, growing, solving, and finishing the problems, which may "change upon a summer night, not far from a hundred years ago" said Hawthorne in "My Kinsman, Major Molineux". They truly represented life in American society and describe what are the same major principles of the civilization in their life. For example, Emerson in "Self-Reliance", emphasizes following one 's own voice rather than an intermediary 's such as the church and this was conforming to social expectation when people try to abandon the church. Whitman in "Song of Myself", emphasize the features of Leaves of Grass that reflect to the American people to love the country and coherence to the apparently disconnected images or scenes. Whitman needed to tell all of us that this is a very great place of living with all you need and for what you have to be thankful as a moral problem for higher education. Hawthorne emphasizes in "My Kinsman" the information for lack of civility and humanity as a skill to be free and increase ideas of responsibility for each individual has for the country signing of the United States Constitution. Those authors with their works make a big jump for independence of American

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