Community Panels: A Restorative Approach to Juvenile Justice

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Community Panels/Reparative Boards Community panels, also known as, community reparative boards, have been utilized throughout the United States since the early 1900’s (Brazemore & Umbriet, 2015). This restorative practice is being used most often for low-level juvenile offenders (Brazemore & Umbriet, 2015). In this process, a small group of trained citizens conduct public, face-to-face meetings with offenders that are court order to participate (Brazemore & Umbreit, 2015). Being that this process is court-ordered, community panels are not used throughout prions. However, they are one of the most restorative approaches and could be used as a diversion technique from prison. Therefore, it is essential to discuss the values and objectives of this practice to understand the importance of its use. The primary goal of community panels is to address the crime that was committed by the offender and the negative consequences of their behavior (Brazemore & Umbreit, 2015). They develop authorized agreements on appropriate sanctions, monitor compliance, and submit compliance reports to the court (Brazemore & Umbriet, 2015). According to Brazemore & Umbriet (2015), the basic function of a community panel is as follows, To promote citizen ownership by involving them directly in the justice process, providing opportunities for …show more content…

A facilitator asks them to check in on how they are feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually. Some men cry as they express themselves to the group and others provide supportive head nods. This scenario seems to be a traditional male support group, until we learn that they are all inmates at San Quentin state prison.” (A Restorative Justice Agency, n.d). The above situation is a way that prisons are implementing restorative conferencing. Restorative group conferencing is an umbrella term that refers to family group conferencing, community conferencing, and large group

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