Teen Sexuality and the Morning-After Pill Debate

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The logic for taking action sooner than later is powerful. There will be no need for a Plan B one step pill. Teens that are having sex will need to use prescribed contraceptive, condoms or just don’t have sex at all. The morning-after pill has a higher dose of the female hormone progestin than is in regular birth control pills. Taking it within 72 hours of rape, condom failure or just forgetting regular contraception can cut the chances of pregnancy by up to 89%, but it works best within the first 24 hours.

I think it will increase sexual activity among teens under 17. Teens are irresponsible. Majority of teens do not use contraceptive this will give them more ammunition to not take any. According to USA Today (2013) “They do not think it …show more content…

However, USA Today (2013) "About half of teens visiting family planning clinics went without a parent 's knowledge. They could likely get an abortion without telling their parents teens in particularly reserved households just might end up taking their chances.” The parents not being tell about their child health is dangerous to the young person own health and to that of the community, particularly other young people. Plan B One Step is not doing young people any justice by helping them keep their parents in the dark. The company seems to lose sight of the very reason we have an age of consent is to protect children.

Decreasing the rate of unintended pregnancies will come from a pill. Teens need to practice abstinence and talk more about sex with their parents. Promote abstinence instead of promoting a Plan B one step. Birth control can do a very good job of protecting you from pregnancy, but the only 100% proven method for avoiding it is not having sex. Plan B one step is not as effective as regular contraception. If you are sexually active, you should try to find a regular method of contraception other than emergency contraception that can work for

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