The Importance Of Personality Tests On A Work Team

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Personality tests are having multiple numbers of questions that provide the information to know better about the person. This information is helpful for the organizations to put the candidate or employee in the right position. Today in organizations, as the teams are handling multiple projects at same time, so by knowing the personality type of each team member will help to complete the project on time without wasting time on surprised behavior. According to some source, 50% of organization started using this personality test during hiring the candidates and they found good results by managing the candidates according to their personality types. In today’s market, there are lot of personality tests are available, from which one of popular tool …show more content…

By dividing this type into sub parts, we’ll come to know this better like Thinking, and Feeling (individual). Even for thinkers it’s hard to get along with other people because they are more looking into the decisions or discover the truth by healthy debate without considering the emotional factor. Along with this, according to some sources, sometimes the people who are good thinker and technical ability getting fire from their jobs due to their inability to change their behavior. This certifies that to become more productive member of the team, they should have some kind feelings, and respect the other perspective. On the other hand, the people who are more towards the feeling prospective, not indulging with the argue and trying to solve the issue in more collaborative & flexible way. Also in this case, as each becomes aware of the each other preference so it makes them more understandable, that ultimately helps to balance a team having different personalities. Which personality traits would hinder a Geek from working well with other team members? According to study, sometimes “Introversion” personality type hinders a geek for working well with other team members. As introverts prefer to work alone, learn from the machine or technology rather than people in terms of self discovery, self-examination, and shows private reflection …show more content…

First of all, communication is very important and basic step to deal with the stakeholders that includes customers, employees or investors. Because any kind of miscommunication may make the huge impact on the company, in terms of financial or reputational manner. Then, emotional stability is another important factor to consider as this helps to stick a team together and maintaining a good relation within the employees & the customers. As team lead needs to do communication with various customers, vendors, internal employees in daily basis to get & share the status, so he/she should be extrovert. Extrovert person can easily make connection with people and can convince them with their high scale energy. Openness is another required quality, to openly accept new challenges & ideas to develop and maintaining the projects. Addition of this, always encourage a culture where equal opportunity has been given to every team member for sharing their ideas. At last, a good leader should have the ability to make decisions by proper analyzing the situation, as this may have direct impact on the project/company’s output. By analyzing these capabilities or requirements and relating it to Myers Briggs personality tests, it comes under ENFJ personality category. ENFJ stands for Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. According to Myers Briggs, these types of

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