The Importance Of Perseverance

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Perseverance is a commonality in everyone’s lives. Every single person that exists persists towards a goal, and every person has persisted a goal for as long as people have existed. However, even though perseverance is common, it is also what makes people stand out the most as well. No person becomes a great and influential individual by half-trying something, and then giving up. Everyone must learn to push through tough times and failure to get anywhere in life. No matter what the situation is, perseverance is the key component for one’s accomplishments and goals because one must try first before they can achieve their goals; whether that goal is survival, being a hero, becoming a dominant administrator, or anything one can desire. Perseverance breaks the veil of doubt and darkness, and brings people into a new reality of assurance and hope. If anyone wants something bad enough, there will always be a way to obtain it. One intriguing case of perseverance is the story of Poon Lim, who survived 133 days lost at sea; one of the longest times anyone had survived …show more content…

While pursuing any challenging objective is indeed admirable, there is still so much more to it than just attempting something once and then stopping. If Lim tried to wing it and only focus on finding land, he would be dead. If Doss tried to push through the bullets coming towards him, he would be dead. If Stewart tried to overdo everything in her job, she would have been fired. Perseverance is not merely endeavoring with no passion, it is also applying all other skills to the situation, and solving in the best way possible. Perseverance is not what meets the eye, but what meets the eye of the beholder. Continuing through deprivation is what makes us the same, yet is also what makes us so

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