The Importance Of Parenting

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Being a parent is one of the most important things in life. It means a lot of responsibility because the way you raise up a child will affect not only its life but also lives of many people around it. Because of that, thinking about how to raise a child and how to ensure that he/she will grow up to be a kind and caring human being with correct moral principles is very important. There are many strategies that parents can adopt when raising a child, and deciding which one is the best can be challenging. Parenting styles differ from culture to culture, and it can even differ from family to family. One might even say that there are as many parenting styles as there are parents. This essay will consider three general types of parenting and will …show more content…

These are strict parents, who know what the child is doing at any moment and who don’t allow kids to make decisions independently. Strictness is manifested in the number of things that the children are allowed to do. Often, these kids are not allowed to play with other kids or visit them at home; they can’t take part in social activities and so on. Such attitude and parenting leave child very intimidated and restricted; he/she doesn’t know how to be independent, hasn’t developed individualism, is awkward with other people and has a hard time developing relationships. Some of the kids stay this way forever and others become very angry at their parents for not allowing them to have a childhood and making decisions. On the other hand, they are sheltered from the world and have a good discipline, are used to hard work and most probably are educated. Nevertheless, the stress that comes with having authoritarian parents doesn’t justify the benefits of such …show more content…

Such parents are the ones who are too absorbed in their own affairs and forget or choose to forget the responsibility that is related to having a kid. These parents might seem very cool at a certain age, but at others, it seems like they don’t care and it can become a very damaging experience for a child. Despite the fact that children, especially teenagers need to sense some freedom, it doesn’t mean that they like the lack of attention from parents. Parental involvement is an extremely important part of a child’s development. First of all, it helps children develop a sense of what is right and what is wrong. The child doesn’t inherently have a moral code which he/she can follow and have guidance is necessary. Also, kids need some kind of reassurance after performing certain tasks; for example, when they do something well, they need to be told that they did well and need to be encouraged for their good behavior. This boosts their confidence and makes them motivated to do well. Thus, being a laid-back parent is not really a positive thing, even though teenagers always wish their parents weren’t so involved and

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