The Importance Of Ownership In American Culture

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Some of the most impoverished communities often have the greatest sense of gratitude and thankfulness for what they have, extending beyond material items. They are thankful for the friends, families, religions, as well as skills they obtain, and tend not to focus on the material items they are lacking. Ownership can be seen as the act, state, or right, of possessing something and is well defined by both Plato, who claims owning objects is detrimental to a person’s character, and Jean-Paul Sartre who proposes that ownership extends beyond objects. Skills and qualities that you posses are more valuable than tangible goods and allow you to fully develop a good, moral, character and sense of self. An example of someone who is lacking many tangible …show more content…

Americans often chase after things such as being socially accepted, attaining wealth, having a bigger house, and are view things as “bigger is better”. American culture has a tendency to promote quantity over quality and other countries view Americans as loud, selfish, and obnoxious. Also, other cultures view Americans as stressed out and unhappy people because they are always trying to make more money or buy more things. Studies show that U.S. workers put in more hours on their job than the labor force of any other industrial nations and have a “live so they can work” motivation. This mentality of achievements, making lots of money, and that owning material goods equate to happiness stems from the early American Dream, that prosperity and freedom can only be attained through upward social mobility and hard work. Many had a goal of owning a house or making higher income but achieving those goals was rare, and it was common for people to end up working hard, long, hours in factory, sometimes becoming depressed or addicted to alcohol. This ideal of acquiring happiness and prosperity through increased income and upward social mobility, caused many Americans to be unhappy, harming their moral character rather than helping

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