The Importance Of Nutrition In Everyday Life

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In everyday life not many people would really think about the reason why we eat food. Driven by natural instinct of hunger and appetite it seems obvious that we eat to keep ourselves alive. Hunger and poor nutrition are problems of millions people causing disabilities and death. Experienced people emphasize that the food what we eat and how do we feel is evenly balanced. It means that the right amount of nutrients should have a positive effect on our health. We might need the food for our appetite satisfaction, but normal body function requires a regular food intake for its growth, metabolism and repair (The Open University, 2015a). Food provides a constant supply of needed nutrients such carbohydrates, proteins, fats and not excluding …show more content…

They include simple sugars and more complex form starch and glycogen (The Open University, 2015c). Their presence is in rich food such as flour, potatoes, rice, pasta and pulses. Carbohydrates are converted into blood sugar through the process of digestion. Glucose is the only energy source sugar in human cells which affect blood sugar level. Glycogen as polysaccharides is derived from plants and stored in the liver and muscle tissue. Starchy food such potatoes are a good source of fibre which as the indigestible component is keeping our bowel active and …show more content…

While hunger comes from lacking and seeking the food, the satiety is overfilled feeling. Both are controlled in the hypothalamus, in a region of brain responsible for regulation of body’s signals including hormones. When we are hungry empty stomach releases the ghrelin hormone and after meal, fat cells release the leptin hormone causing a state of satiety. While nutrition intake and energy for body function is down to physiological factors, many times our eating is influenced by other factor related to habits, food preferences and emotions. The advertisement of tasty food, delicious deserts, intriguing smell or even thinking about food can trigger our appetite for eating more even if we are not

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