The Importance Of My Parents's Influence In My Life

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I am from hard work and fighting through the struggle. Knowing my place in this world means that I have goals that I will not just strive for but, I will accomplish. Growing up being blessed but, not privileged has the biggest influence on me and the way I view myself and my lifestyle. The background of my father who is a graduate of Millersville University and hardworking father who was raised not having much portrays who I am. My father battled dyslexia but, he did not let that stop him it just gave him more fuel to work harder. Having both of parents being married and our whole family living together I consider a blessing based on my religious views. My past influences my future and, my future empowers me to not stop till I achieve it. …show more content…

Positive is that my father graduated college and was the first in his family to do so and he made a life for himself. Both of my parents have provided for me and my sister throughout our lives but allowed us to understand that you have to work hard for what you want. Both my sister and I worked a job throughout high school not because we had to make help make ends meet but, because we wanted the independence of buying things that we wanted because our parents provided what we needed. My parents did a great job raising me and my sister because our way of thinking is more different that than most of our peers. My parents influence on my development has caused me to be a very sensitive person in the heart. Growing up I remember always getting yelled at for idiotic reasons. So now when I’m in a situation that I am getting yelled at I can’t stand it emotionally. Having my parents joke about my fears and habits as a child taught me that to stand up for those who are being talked about and not to talk about others. Being raised by a christain family shaped me morally but having my father not be so religious as the rest of my family has taught me to understand different views of

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