Growing Up: A Journey of Hard Work and Leadership

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Hard worker, good work ethic, one of six children, five-sport athlete, leader.
These are all words that explain who I am, and what I have become the past eighteen years of my life. Growing up, it has been my family and school community that have implemented many values in me.
Whether it be sharing every toy I want to play with, wearing hand-me-downs all the time, or always being called by my sibling's name, having five siblings is my norm. Due to the fact that my siblings and I have gone to a private catholic school for most of our lives, my parents have had to work multiple jobs to be able to pay for the tuition. This has made me personally grateful for the school I attend, and for the hard work my parents put forth for our large family. Regretfully, I …show more content…

Thus as a senior, my eyes have been greatly opened to what is important in my life. I have realized that my family has played a huge role in forming who I am. Looking back, I regret not spending more time with them because now I am too busy with applying to college, keeping up with my school work, and working my two jobs. Most definitely, these people have formed me into who I am today.
Outside of my family environment, my school community has also shaped me into the young Catholic woman I am today. Like I mentioned earlier, I have been fortunate enough to attend the same private catholic school my entire life. Due to this fact, I have been with pretty much the same group of people in my class since kindergarten. These people, whom I consider my family, have definitely made me who I am today. My school has shown me how lucky I am to be a Catholic and has made me grateful to be able to attend mass and confessions every week.
Over the years, my teachers and coaches also have helped me shape into someone with integrity, compassion, a hard work ethic, and charity. Although I have had numerous coaches and teachers, I have been able to carry on

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