The Importance Of Motivation And Inspiration

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‘Motivation’ the term is derived from the Latin word ’emover’ which implies ‘to move’. It is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of action and provides answer to certain basic questions such as: Why and how people work and what determines the direction of their actions? Motivation and Inspiration often go hand in hand. One can be either internally motivated towards achieving a particular goal or need an inspiration for the same. However it’s the underlying needs that determine one’s actions and thus goals. The basic problem is to identify what makes people to move or act; what drives, motivates them. The motivation to fulfill Self-Actualization goals come only after the physiological needs are satisfied. Therefore …show more content…

However every now and then, all of us come across people who by their selfless endeavors have managed to create a difference. People who have not waited for the results and kept doing what drove them, what inspired them. Aren’t these the people whom we call ‘Nishkama-karmi’.Such people are a constant source of inspiration for all of us.
We want to talk about a particular experience that one of our teammates had, which takes us through a beautiful journey of a conviction, inspiration and above all Nishkam …show more content…

Despite the fact that they got a considerable measure of donation for our cause, all children were not permitted to go to school. Individuals having a place with remote provincial regions have small salaries, which now and again is too less to sustain a group of perhaps four or five. Probably, kids from these families won't be sent to schools, rather would be solicited to help the gaining part from the family to include some additional pay. Another variable that was going about as an obstacle was the caste system; while the urban populace is alright with individuals from any standing; in rural India, lower position populace is still not permitted to have fundamental education. Absence of fitting transportation was mostly a significant issue for all these kids and their family to which they had already addressed as the school was being built up in the campus itself. However, they were very resolved to bring a change and do something that had never happened. They conversed with each of the parents of such kids and attempted to make them comprehend the value of instruction. One of Shwet’s senior professor also joined in and went along with the group in this mission and attempted to direct the folks in order to continue

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