The Importance Of Metal Recycling

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Metal Recycling – Keep it out of landfill

Look in any Australian shed (or behind it) and you will often find what seems to be rubbish. Broken screen doors, old guttering, door knobs, even the kitchen sink. When it comes time to move house oftentimes the whole lot ends up at the dump.

Scrap Metal is actually a commodity, that can be recycled and repurposed to keep it out of landfill. Not only will recycling your scrap metal keep it out of landfill it will also reduce the amount of rubbish you have to take to the dump, which can help cut down on your dumping fees.

When most people think of metal recycling they think of aluminium cans. Aluminium cans are the most common kind of aluminium recycled, but it takes many other forms as well. …show more content…

As landfill they take up a lot of room. Much better to strip whitegoods down and recycle everything possible to minimise the impact on our environment. Scout Recycling Centres will accept whitegoods and separate the parts as necessary to be recycled.

Car batteries need to be replaced in every Australian car periodically. They can’t be put in your regular garbage bin, and we certainly don’t want them in landfill. It’s important that car batteries are dealt with correctly as they can contain hazardous substances which can cause environmental and safety hazards. Toxic materials can leach into the soil and it can be very costly and difficult to recover land that has been used for landfills to be safe for habitation …show more content…

Shredding: Before melting the compacted metal is shredded by a powerful machine. Metal recycling of smaller pieces uses much less energy to melt than large pieces.

Melting and purification: scrap metal is melted in a purpose-built furnace. While the melting processes uses considerable energy it actually takes much less energy than it would take to make metal from raw material.

Purification ensures the final product is free from impurities and is of the highest quality. Some purification processes include electrolysis and separating using magnetic systems.

So why should we recycle metal?
Imagine if every bit of metal that was ever produced was never recycled. Earth would be overflowing with scrap metals as rubbish possibly leaching toxic materials into waterways . Of course the raw material that metal is made from is a finite resource. As we keep mining it, eventually it will run out. By recycling we are extending our supply of metals for future generations while reducing the damage to our

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