The Importance Of Magical Realism In Literature

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The sense of magical realism is a natural product of literature. Letting aside literature, in reviewing the circumstances of nature of the world, it can be observed that there are a lot of elements that are expressing magical things which are also real. For instance, a sudden change in the weather at a same place from autumn to spring describes a phenomenon, a thunderstone or a sudden earth quick that demolished many long lasting things. A former grows a seed and it gives birth to a plant which becomes a tall tree or it brings many beautiful flowers onto its boughs. The appearance of Sun and Moon in a planned intervals all these happenings have a logic behind it.
Apart from the above, everyone has noticed that children complaint that they
On which grounds ‘Dr. Faustus’ in Marlow’s play ‘The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus’, was mending his life in urge for becoming a master of all things? How did the ghost of old Hamlet play its role in the play ‘Hamlet’ by Shakespeare? What role did the embroidery handkerchief perform in the play Othello by Shakespeare? How the female protagonists, ‘Sethe’, of Toni Morrison’s novel, ‘Beloved’ come into life after death? What were Tituba and Abigail doing in the whole paly ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller? The answers of all these questions will bring many logical, illogical, rational, irrational, real, unreal and spiritual thinking into mind. Although all that is not magical realism but have a sense so the term magical realism is not a new statement, it is an old and a perfect genre of writing
By 1980s it had become a well-established ‘label’ for some forms of fiction. It has been applied, for instance, to the work of Luis Borges (1899-1988), the Argentinian who in 1935 published his Historian universal de la infamies, regarded by many as the first work of magical realism. The Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez is also regarded as a notable exponent of this kind of fiction, especially his novel ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ (1967). The Cuban Alejo Carpenter is another writer described as a magic realist.’ ‘Experiments in magical realism affects and techniques’ are to be found in the fiction of Italo Calvino John Fowler, Gunter Grass, Emma Tennant, Angela Carter, Salman Rushdie and Ben

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