The Importance Of Macaroni And Cheese

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I came to realize the importance of mac and cheese while babysitting. The mother had not warned me that her two year old was going through a mac and cheese phase. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, all he would eat was mac and cheese. Not being aware of this child’s diet, I had prepared him lasagna for dinner. Although both dishes involve pasta and cheese, this two year old knew the difference. The plate of lasagna ended up on the floor, and he screamed and pounded his tiny fists on his high chair. The only thing that calmed him down was the sight of me holding a blue cardboard box, with Kraft Macaroni and Cheese written at the top. A main staple of many children’s diets is macaroni and cheese. Many kids have their favorite kind, whether it be the …show more content…

I would only eat boxed macaroni if it was Kraft and featured Scooby Doo on the front. While this boxed macaroni would make do, I longed for a different kind. Whenever I spent the day with my grandmother she would make her homemade mac and cheese for me. It tasted better than anything else my young taste buds had ever encountered. My grandmother used the food as a tactic. The only way she could get me out of the swimming pool was with her macaroni and cheese. One day I decided I would watch her make it, this way I could relay the steps back to my mom so she could make it for me …show more content…

After a few minutes of being distracted by my grandmother’s dog, I went back to find that a layer of film had appeared over the top of the sauce. After nervously telling my grandmother that I had ruined the sauce, she informed me that the layer on top is fine. The layer was caused by infrequent stirring, but I had not burned the sauce. If this layer of film develops while you are cooking, it can be simply removed by stirring the sauce. The final step is one that I use now, but never would have as a child. As a child I would have never dreamed of adding a healthy component to my already perfect mac and cheese. Now I make sure my bowl is jam-packed with stewed tomatoes. I use an entire can of stewed tomatoes. I place them into a bowl and microwave them. Once the tomatoes are heated, I add them to my bowl of finished macaroni and cheese. This recipe is the taste of my childhood. On Thanksgiving dinner I requested my grandmother make this mac and cheese instead of Turkey. She ended up making both. Both children and adults took the mac and cheese with their meals. This recipe is so delicious, everyone was willing to eat it alongside their mashed potatoes and

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