The Importance Of Lower Class In The United States

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People are aware of the distinctions of class as poor being lower class and rich being in the upper class however, both poor and rich people do not like to use the term “class” instead “they refer to their race, ethnic group, or geographic location”. (189) The reason that people do not talk about class and class distinctions is the same as why people deny accepting the white privilege and sex privilege. It is OK to talk about the middle class which is very broad and acceptable and it is not OK to utter the word such lower class because it is proof of the injustice. Privilege people do not want to accept the inequality and unequal distribution of wealth. Mantsiois gives the example of Susan Ostrander’s study where she asked wealthy women if they considered themselves members of the upper class. …show more content…

Changing the term upper class and justifying it with being lucky or well born does not change the fact there are upper class privilege people in United states and there is big gap between those people and other people who considered themselves as middle class which in fact they are not middle class. So ignorance is a bliss. As a mother if I ignore that I have some responsibilities such as helping my kids with their homework or feeding them, I won’t feel the guilt, I do not have to do anything about it by not thinking about it and ignoring it. So it is the same for the privilege people if the upper class do not utter the words lower class, deny the class difference then they do not feel guilty about the inequality and do not have to do something about it. The reading has some myth listed about class in America such as America is a being a middle class nation. Most people would consider themselves middle class no matter what their income is. Another myth is class does not matter in America because everybody is treated the same way regardless of the

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