The Importance Of Landscaping A Home

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Once the dreary winter months have passed, it's time to refresh your home both inside and outside. It's the time when you're happily looking forward to a fresh start in your home. It's the time you'll want to do some digging in the yard or repairing drainage problems. This is also a good time for talking to a contractor about extending the home or doing some renovations to renew your space. Inspect the Home After the bad weather, you'll want to spend some time inspecting the home. This will include the roof, exterior windows and gutters. You might not remember all the storms over the months, but they can batter the home relentlessly causing roof problems as well as gutters that won't drain properly. Take the time to walk the perimeter and inspect the roof. If you can't climb the roof, check for cracks and holes inside the attic. …show more content…

If there are bare patches after an ugly winter, you can sprinkle seed over the areas. This is the time to clean out the debris like broken branches and leaves from the garden. This is the time you should do some maintenance on your mower and other equipment like weed whackers. Plan Your Garden While it might not be time to plant yet, you can plan how you want your garden to look. Sketch on a piece of paper, so you can get an idea of how you'd like things to grow. This year, you might want to install a fence with a gate around your garden. You'll need to decide on the materials as well as pick up seedlings from the nursery. Tidy the Interior You can start doing your spring cleaning while you're waiting for the perfect planting time. The mudroom might still have leftover boots and jackets hanging and cluttering the entry. Pack away the heavy winter outerwear while exchanging them for umbrellas, spring boots and rain hats. Renovation

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