The Importance Of Immigration

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Immigration has always been a large conflict people have faced all across the world. There is plenty of reasons why people migrate to a country, whether it may be the United States or any other particular one. Many people often come in attempt to escape poverty, crime, or to simply have a better opportunity to better their lifestyles. Although there are people who migrate and commit severe crimes, there are others who sacrifice themselves in order to live a better life. In addition to that, I believe the government should approve new immigration laws in favor of immigrants who come to better their life and achieve their dreams. There are many reasons why immigrants come to the United States. One of the main reasons they migrate is in seek …show more content…

In addition, the majority of immigrants come here to work because the economy in other countries such as Mexico is awful compared to the economy here in the United States. There are statistics that show that many immigrants have started their own businesses and furthermore, have increased job opportunities not only for themselves but for others as well. Therefore, immigrants are actually having a positive impact on the economy rather than making it worse. I have seen immigrants on the side of the roads selling flowers, fruits, etc. while an “American” stands outside a Walmart and simply begs for money. This demonstrates an immigrant 's dedication to hard work and to making an honest living. With that being said, I believe there are some immigrants who deserve a chance in this country. Some immigrants have been living …show more content…

If they pass then they should be awarded the right to stay here, especially if they don’t have a bad record. Immigrants make a huge impact in a lot of companies, especially when it comes to agriculture. The majority of people who work in agriculture are immigrants and people don 't ever stop to think about how much immigrants are actually needed in this country. A lot of immigrants help in a lot of companies and also save the company a lot of money due to the fact that the company pays them so little and doesn’t pay them what their actual wage should be. People do not realize that, if granted the chance, many immigrants would be able to have a positive impact in this country. I believe that not all immigrants are bad, just because some have committed mistakes and are here illegally does not make them any lesser of a being than the rest of the people in this country who wish to live out their

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